stapler HTTP请求处理引擎

开源网站开源项目 24-04-19 14:10:54

Stapler is a library that "staples" your application objects to URLs, making it easier to write web applications. The core idea of Stapler is to automatically assign URLs for your objects, creating an intuitive URL hierarchy.

Normally, most of your JSP and servlet goes like this; first, you use parameters and extra path info to locate the object to work with, then use some more parameters and such to perform some operations against it (or perhaps render HTML). Stapler takes care of this first portion by dispatching requests to that object you'll be working with.

Suppose you are building a web application like the system of, where you got projects, mailing lists, documents and files section, and etc. The following figure shows how Stapler works.

The left half shows your code. OOP lets you model those concepts straight-forwardly into classes that refer to each other. Through reflection, Stapler assigns URLs to your application objects. The root of your application object gets the root URL/. The object you can access withroot.getProject("stapler")would be assigned to the URL/project/stapler. In this way, your object model directly turns into the URL hierarchy, as partially shown in purple arrows.

JSPs and servlets

Most of the times JSPs are used to show an object in your application. Stapler allows you to associate JSPs to your application classes, as shown in green circles in the above figure. Stapler weaves those JSPs into the URL hierarchy, and when they get requested, Stapler sets up the environment such that they can access the corresponding application object very easily, by the "it" variable (like ${}).

Similarly, often you want to run some Java code when a certain URL is requested, as shown in red circles in the above figure. For example, when/project/stapler/deleteis requested, you'd like to delete the project and redirect the user to/. With Stapler, this is as easy as defining a method on your application objects. Stapler invokes the method on the right object.

Problems That Stapler Solves

Servlet (and technologies like JSP/JSF that builds on top of it) can only bind request URLs into your static resources, JSPs, and/or servlets in a very limited way. You can even tell that from the system. For example, the URL to view the archive of a mailing list is/servlets/SummarizeList?listName=announce, the URL to search the archive if/servlets/SearchList?listName=announce, and the URL to manage it is/servlets/MailingListEdit?list=announce.

This has some problems.

Relative URLs are useless

Ordinary servlet/JSP prevents you from using the URL hierarchy to organize your application. In the system, if you want to generate a link from the archive to the search page, you have to put the whole URL including all the parameters. You'll be writing something like/servlets/SearchList?list=${listName}. As your application gets more complicated, the number of parameters will increase, making your application harder and harder to maintain.

Stapler allows you to use URLs likelist/announce/summarize,list/announce/search, andlist/announce/edit. Thus a link from the summary page to the search is simplysearch.

A lot of boiler-plate code

Most of the times, the first thing your JSPs and servlets need to do is to locate the object that you'll be working with. This is tedious. Even worse, it needs to be repeated in many places.

Stapler takes care of this for you. When your JSP is invoked, you can access the target object by the variable "it". Or when your action method (the equivalent of the servlet) is invoked, it is invoked on the target object. This cuts down a lot of boring boiler-plate code in your application.

Recursive Structure

Servlets can't handle recursive directory structure very well. In the above figure, I have recursiveFolderclass that has two JSPs each. The only way to make this work in servlet is to assign unique IDs to each folder and define those JSPs at the top-level. The actual URLs will be very different from the natural tree structure.

Stapler maps this very naturally to URLs.

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