Cowrie 记录包里攻击者的 Shell 交互记录

开源网站开源项目 24-06-13 14:44:23

Cowrie是一种中等交互式SSH和Telnet蜜罐,用于记录暴力攻击和攻击者执行的shell交互。 Cowrie还充当SSH和telnet代理,以观察攻击者对另一个系统的行为。


docker run -p 2222:2222 cowrie/cowriessh -p 2222 root@localhost


etc/cowrie.cfg - Cowrie's configuration file. Default values can be found inetc/cowrie.cfg.dist.

share/cowrie/fs.pickle - fake filesystem

etc/userdb.txt - credentials to access the honeypot

honeyfs/- file contents for the fake filesystem - feel free to copy a real system here or use bin/fsctl

honeyfs/etc/ - pre-login banner

honeyfs/etc/motd- post-login banner

var/log/cowrie/cowrie.json - transaction output in JSON format

var/log/cowrie/cowrie.log - log/debug output

var/lib/cowrie/tty/ - session logs, replayable with the bin/playlog utility.

var/lib/cowrie/downloads/ - files transferred from the attacker to the honeypot are stored here

share/cowrie/txtcmds/- file contents for simple fake commands

bin/createfs- used to create the fake filesystem

bin/playlog- utility to replay session logs

[Cowrie 记录包里攻击者的 Shell 交互记录]相关推荐
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